Setelah bayak yang request tentang cara mengganti email coc maka kali ini akan memberikan tutorial lengkapnya :) cara ini juga berguna kalau anda mau jual akun coc tp tidak ingin kehilangan emailnya juga... Ok simak baik-baik caranya
1. bikin email baru dulu caranya klik pengaturan > akun> tambahkan akun > pilih google dan masukan alamat gmail baru.
2. buka coc lalu masuk ke setting
Masuk ke in-game setting kembali, pilih Help and Support kemudian klik
Villages, Account & Passwords, yang letaknya berada di bawah
4. Setelah itu, pilih
i’ve lost my village! Can I get it back?
Setelah itu klik gambar mail
Berikut adalah
percakapan lengkap saya dengan customer service di ( Dilakukan pada 10 Mei 2015)
Saya 10 Mei 2015 22:37
Dear supercell
i want to change email from (alamat email agan yg lama) to (alamat email yg baru) because the email that i connected with business email, i feel less safe and i hope you can grant my request
Supercell 15 Mei 2015 16:06
Hello Chief,
Thanks for writing in and please accept my apologies for this delay
I understand that you wish to switch thr Google+ account linked to your village "joker". In these cases, I need to make sure that the rightful owner of the game who wishes to switch the Google+ account. To verify this, I would like to ask you few question to confirm that this account is yours and was created by you:
- when (month & year) did you star playjg on this account ?
- where (which city) did you create the account?
- what device (model#) do you use to play the account ?
Saya 15 Mei 2015 16:16
i star playing the game about (kapan anda buat cocnya, bulan & tahun), in (kota anda waktu buat coc). Im sorry to forget exactly month i create it, i play this village in (merk hp dan model yg anda gunakan)
Supercell 16 Mei 2015 18:20
Thanks for replying back!
I had cleared your Google+ account connected to yout game, now you will be able to link your game to your desired Google+ to save your game progress.
To connected your village to Google+:
1. Close Clash of Clans
2. Logout from old Google+
3. Login with your desired Google+
4. Open Clash of Clans and go to the in-game setting.
Press the Google+ sign in button to connect your village to Google+
If you would like to know anything else about using Clash of Clans with Google+ please do not hesitate to ask
Have a good day!
Setelah menerima balasan seperti itu biasanya akan disconnected sendiri seperti ini
Nah kalo sudah seperti itu tinggal click disconnected kemudian pilih email yg baru agan buat tadi :)
Ok cukup sekian tutorial yg bisa saya sampaikan semoga dapat membantu and :) Salam Tamfan